

  1. 購物滿 200 港元,我們提供免費送貨服務(僅限單一地點)。任何低於 200 港元的訂單,將收取 50 港元的送貨費。
  2. 貨品只限在香港特別行政區內運送
  3. 送貨範圍包括所有香港、九龍和新界地區,但以下地區除外:
  4. 所有離島、限制區及偏遠地區
  5. 我們將在 4-7 個工作日內正常交付您的訂單,但可能需要更長時間,具體取決於購買確認時間、交付目的地和您的交付偏好
  6. 我們不會核實收件人身份,對此不承擔任何責任。
  7. 貨物送達需簽收。 若無人簽收而白送,將收取港幣30元的下次派送費用。

Delivery Policies

  1. We offer Free delivery (single location ONLY) for purchases over HK$ 200. For any orders under HK$200 a delivery charge of HK$ 50 shall apply.
  2. Purchases are couriered within Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ONLY.
  3. Delivery coverage includes all Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories locations EXCEPT:
    1. All outlying islands, Restricted Areas & Remote Area
  4. We will deliver your order normally within 4-7 working days but may take longer depending on the time of purchase confirmation, delivery destination and your delivery preference.
  5. We will not verify the recipient’s identity and bears no responsibility for this.
  6. Goods will need to be signed upon delivery.
  7. If the delivery is in vain without someone to sign, a fee of HK$30 will be charged for next delivery requested.